
Effective leadership is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It can not be generalized to “good leaders do this for their team”. In fact, effective leadership encompasses an array of behaviors and traits that are the cornerstones of successful leadership. These behaviors are the bedrock of effective leadership: principled accountability, shared responsibility and the ability to achieve results through a commitment to teamwork and influence. Let’s discuss these key components and describe some of the best practices associated with them.

Understanding Leadership In Business

According to Richard F. DeMille, “the single most important quality of great leaders is their willingness to take risks.” While it may seem self-explanatory, many leaders believe that those with “a great deal of faith in themselves” are not risk-takers. In contrast, those who argue around that “people who are truly great leaders are almost always willing to take risks.” By taking a risk, the leader shows his or her willingness to accept the possibility of failure and his or her belief that a higher level of risk is justified in order to achieve the desired results.

A related trait often considered by researchers studying effective leadership is communication. It has been found that leaders who convey clear messages to their followers are perceived as more effective leaders. By communicating clearly, the leader’s signal to their followers that they possess the skills and knowledge needed to lead. By communicating his or her beliefs in a clear and compelling manner, the leader demonstrates his or her ability to lead by example and inspire confidence in the followers. Those who argue that communication is merely lip service are sadly mistaken as it is an essential element of effective leadership strategies.

Creating Further Sucess

As an advocate of participative action, those who argue that the effectiveness of effective leadership strategies depends upon leaders taking direct action are incorrect. Effective leaders need to take one small step at a time and proceed slowly to accomplish the desired results. For instance, when working with an organization to improve customer relations, a sales manager might begin by providing exemplary customer service to a customer who may be dissatisfied with a particular product or service. He or she might then plan a small initiative to improve the relationship between the company and its customers.


Some people believe that effective leaders need to have a “special someone” to mentor them. They may want to take professional courses or attend seminars on effective leadership. While they may benefit from these courses, they do not need a special person to coach them. Managers can gain valuable skills and experience by observing and interviewing a few successful leaders. The interviews and observations provide valuable insights into the techniques that successful managers use to manage people, develop plans, and implement solutions.


Finally, in order to build effective leadership, managers need to develop soft skills such as effective communication and self-confidence. These soft skills can be developed through extensive research and practice. In fact, it is possible to create an entire library of books focused on developing soft skills, which can be implemented during team building, workshops, and meetings.